First years listen up! This epic blog has everything you need to know about money for your new university life. It may be challenging to stick to your budget but we promise that following these tips will help you shop savvy and save!
Congrats on getting into uni! Charlie Contributor, Dominic Giuliano, shares the importance of time management for starting uni. It's now up to you to balance your life...
Is your bank account a little too low for your liking? No need to fear, Ada shares her top tips to help you find that perfect job this summer!
Have you wanted to go snorkeling after a lecture? Sophie Norris studied Journalism for 5 months in Fiji with the help of the New Colombo Plan. Read more about Sophie's unforgettable experience!
It's that time of year to reflect and create new goals for 2024. Charlie Contributor, Charlotte Lyons, reminds us that there is nothing magical about January 1 and simplifies setting New Years resolutions so you can actually achieve them.
In the season of giving, why not consider giving of your time and efforts to communities in need? Kate Armstrong shares some insightful tips on volunteering, including where and why you should consider giving it a go this summer!
New to uni? Wanting to make connections in 2024? Remy Naughton shares her insights on moving from the NSW coast to Bathurst and how joining a sporting club is something she'll never look back from...
Charlie contributor, Charlotte Penhall, just moved in to her first rental property. Read her top tips and advice for uni students ready to make that move...
It's the most wonderful time of the year! That's not to say that it doesn't come with its own set of challenges, stress and chaos. Charlie Contributor, Michelle Curry, shares how you can look after your physical health and mental wellbeing this...
This holiday season, money might be a little tight for uni students. You may be about to experience this for the very first time as you move out of home to start uni. Contributor, Emily Hubbard, shares her top tips on saving, spending and surviving...