Let's celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science by hearing from Mikayla who is pursuing a career in science and find our why you should take the leap and join women in STEM!
As a student choosing a laptop that is affordable and will last through your whole degree can be really challenging! Shantel weighs up the pros and cons of MacBooks and PCs and gives you some info on how to find a discount.
Wake up, Scroll, Sleep and Repeat. Are you stuck in an unhealthy relationship with social media that's getting in the way of your studies? Charlie writer Shantel gives you tips to get back on track to academic success!
Want your own personal academic assistant? Or maybe you just want to take notes that you can actually read later? Ana shows you how the iPad apps Notion and Notability can make your path to graduating that much easier!
You're familiar with how Brightspace works on a computer, but did you know... there's an app for that?
Dipti has done the hard yards for us and shares tips on how and why we should use the Brightspace Pulse App!
It's 2024, lets stop the gender stereotypes. There are women working in STEM and they are damn proud of how they got there. Listen to our own Charlie contributor Michelle Curry, where she talks about her experiences in the field of STEM and...
''Nuclear medicine is a branch of medical imaging that specialises in the imaging of the function of specific cells and organs within the body'' Megan Winzer shares a day in the life of a nuclear medicine student.
"And yet, that is exactly what I could do. Travel, be with loved ones, learn; life and study entwined together like a growing vine." Alias Bullock shares how online, distance learning at Charles Sturt has supported them to thrive in Japan.
Today we celebrate National Online Learning Day! Accessing tertiary education has never been easier due to the rapid advancements in technology. Current student, Victoria Prince, shares some pros and cons about online learning.
If you are an avid news follower like me, you would have heard mentions of Charles Sturt University yesterday. Here at Charlie, we are all about promoting our student voice – the things that concern the university’s most valued members –...