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Tag: student life

College party. Image retrieved from:

Why there is no stereotypical uni student

Oh student life! We sleep all day, party all night and only study the night before our exams begin, right? Well actually, I don’t do that. And neither do the majority of the people in my degree. In fact, most university students don’t have that...

Day in the life of a placement student.

A day in the life of a placement student

My name is Nick and I’m in my final year of a Bachelor of Medication Radiation Science at CSU. I’m currently on clinical placement working with a private radiology company based in Canberra. There really is no such thing as a ‘typical’ day during...

CSU student sitting on top of Beauty Point in Wagga Wagga

You know you’re a Wagga Wagga student when…

All CSU campuses are unique in the experiences they offer and the personality they present. However, there some things that only students in Wagga Wagga can relate to about uni life in such a rural yet surprisingly busy town. You know you’re a Wagga...

Share your #CSUlife

Share your view on #CSUlife

What’s life really like at CSU? Can you sum up your study experience in 140 characters on Twitter, the perfectly framed Instagram pic, or a Facebook post? Here’s an opportunity for you! CSU’s Social Media team is launching the...

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