Let's celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science by hearing from Mikayla who is pursuing a career in science and find our why you should take the leap and join women in STEM!
So you are interested in studying Environmental Science and Management but maybe picking a major is holding you back... Billie guides you through the different options and how to make the right choice for you!
It's 2024, lets stop the gender stereotypes. There are women working in STEM and they are damn proud of how they got there. Listen to our own Charlie contributor Michelle Curry, where she talks about her experiences in the field of STEM and...
What exactly is an intensive school? During session breaks some Science and Health students may be heading to our Wagga, Bathurst or Port Mac campuses for an intensive school! Lauren Bridgfoot tells you all about her past experience at an intensive...
Are you a current student with multiple passions? You can fill many hats in both the science and arts world. Not sure how? Follow Ana's journey below to see how she does it!
Have you already felt the loss of study motivation begin to creep in? New Charlie Contributor, Ana Elefterescu, explores science backed strategies that'll help boost your productivity and focus!
''Nuclear medicine is a branch of medical imaging that specialises in the imaging of the function of specific cells and organs within the body'' Megan Winzer shares a day in the life of a nuclear medicine student.
''Undertaking my degree has allowed me to grow in all areas of my life and I found such a love for knowledge, and I cannot think of a better industry to be in that requires us to constantly be developing our capabilities and evolving as better...
''The trip was during the mid-session break, so for an internal student like me I didn’t have to worry about missing classes.'' Meet Marieke Hoelscher, current Agricultural Science student at Charles Sturt University here to to tell you all about...
"After finishing a Diploma of Professional Writing and Editing, I kept studying until I found what I was born to do."