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Tag: breaks

Trilok’s guide to your first assessment

''Remember to take frequent breaks to continue being efficient over longer periods of time and write down further questions you may have to ask in discussion boards or to your lecturers.'' Orientation has been and gone and now it's crunch time...

Nine Books You Must Read Based Upon Your Learning

Looking for ways to have a quick study break without having to leave the house? Here are nine books that will appeal to you based upon your course! And if who have a lot of ‘study breaks’ you may want to read them all! Faculty of...

image of students in the bookshop on campus

Five things I wish I knew in first year

Being a first-year uni student might sound scary, but don’t worry, we’ve all been there, and the good news is that you will survive! In first year, you’ll be learning about your career, as well as learning all about university...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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