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CSU Mitchell Rugby Sponsors and Charity Day

CSU Mitchell Rugby Sponsors and Charity Day


The 2024 Charity Day held by the Mitchell Rugby Club raised an amazing amount of money for the Country Education Foundation and Boys to the Bush!

Written by Isabella Smith

On the 20th July, CSU Mitchell Rugby Union Club held our annual Charity Day for 2024 where we raise funds for local charities, in which our club is truly passionate in supporting.

We raise funds through our jersey auction and we dedicate two jerseys for the day. We also raise money through raffles, and our $100 board to increase fundraising efforts for the day.

This year our club chose The Country Education Foundation (CEF) of Australia as the dedicated Women’s Charity, and Boys to the Bush as our Men’s Charity. 

Some of our Mitchell players with a member of CEF

The Country Education Foundation (CEF) of Australia is a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting rural and regional students in their pursuit of further education, training, and careers. It provides financial assistance, scholarships, and support services to young people from country areas, helping to bridge the gap in educational opportunities between urban and rural communities.

Additionally, Boys to the Bush is an Australian non-profit organisation committed to mentoring and supporting boys and young men. Founded with the goal of addressing the challenges faced by young males, the program is designed to build resilience, confidence, and essential life skills.

The Mitchell Clubs Men’s team

These two charities were organisations our club was very excited to work with due to their ongoing commitment to empower young people and encouragement in personal growth within our community.

The day was one of our most successful charity days to date in which we raised $10,000, that was split between the two charities, allowing our club to give $5,000 to each charity.

Throughout the club you were able to get a great sense of the importance of this day, in giving back to the community and doing as much as possible to ensure these charities were able to be acknowledged for their hard work within the community and beyond.

I know a lot of our club members, especially the University Students had saved up money, taken up those extra shifts and ate some two-minute noodles for a few nights to make sure they had enough money to give up on our charity day to raise these funds!

I have been a part of the CSU Mitchell Rugby Union Club since beginning my university journey in 2022 and I can honestly say that joining a club the first year of university sets you up for so many new opportunities including meeting new people, improving overall wellbeing and having that time away from studying, all very important aspects of university life.

The Rugby Union Club has been my second family since I began University.

My second family!

For a lot of my education journey, they have been my thick and thin, and it’s genuinely something I look forward to each week. We are a massive family at the club, and being able to support each other and have fun is something I’ll always be so grateful for. 

Charity Day for us emphasised this idea, in which we support anyone who comes into our family, CEF and Boys to the Bush was this for us and we wanted to create this sense of belonging to these charities and within the club.

It was truly remarkable that we could come together and raise some well-deserved money for these charities.

We wanted to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who made the CSU Mitchell Rugby Union Charity Day a tremendous success.

Your enthusiasm, participation, and generosity truly were amazing. Whether you were on the field, in the stands, or supporting from afar, your contributions have made a meaningful impact.

Thanks to you, we were able to raise vital funds for CEF and Boys to the Bush, making a real difference in the lives of those in need.

Charlie blog is a SSAF funded initiative

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This is an SSAF funded initiative
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