Living as an on-campus university student doesn’t mean you have to settle for a tiresome space. And if you are like me, it may be your first move out of home where the budget is always tight. Here are some savvy things I did to enhance my study and living space!
Make the effort
After a long day of classes, part time work or extracurricular activities, your room should be an oasis. Once I unpacked the many bags and boxes of my belongings, I put in time and elbow grease to maximise the comfort and homeliness of my new space. For me, that meant piling my bed with a very inviting bunch of pillows and lining a shelf above my desk with my favourite books.
Source things from home
A very straightforward tip indeed! Bringing as much as you can from home will not only save you from costly expenses but it’ll also help you during times of the dreaded homesickness.

Simple things can make all the difference
A common trend amongst students is to flood their rooms with posters of their favourite sporting star or streams of fairy lights. I for one, love a display of some of my best photos. CSU Print on campus came in handy for this, with suitable pricing and friendly staff.

Think ahead
Yes, that bank card may still need to be used but in small amounts I can assure you. For instance, I didn’t want to lose my socks and have to invest in new ones throughout the year. A trip to Kmart for $3 storage boxes was a great way of keeping those important items in one safe place.
If you’re like me, an organised space is something I thrive off! I recommend using any spare time before the commencement of classes to stick that yearly planner to the cupboard door or print off those subject outlines. Whatever works for you will surely ease the pressures of an increasingly busy uni semester.
Article written by Brooke Chandler.