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Have ideas? SSAF submissions closing soon

Have ideas? SSAF submissions closing soon

The countdown is on to bring to life your ideas to improve the student experience to life. Share your ideas for how to spend the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) funds.

With less than two weeks until submissions close on the SSAF Initiatives Round, now is the time to share your ideas on improving student services and facilities at Charles Sturt University.

Here’s how to apply

So, you’ve had a lightbulb moment, but where to from here? Here are a few handy tips to get your proposal moving!

  1. Check your proposal meets one or more of the 19 areas SSAF can be spent
  2. Make sure your proposal isn’t a way that Charles Sturt University already spends SSAF funds, or isn’t like a project already in consideration
  3. Do your research! You’ll need to provide evidence the proposed project is needed by other students and is a priority. The 2019 SSAF Report is a good place to start
  4. Does your proposal still have legs? Then it’s time to prepare your proposal, by downloading the template on the SSAF website. Your submission will need to show clear milestones and outcomes. If this sounds confusing, never fear. There are staff on hand to assist with drafting your proposal
  5. Last but not least, you’ll need to get a Student Representative Committee (SRC) to endorse your proposal.
  6. One you’ve completed all these steps, it’s time to submit your proposal! Make sure it’s in by 9am on Monday 11 November 2019.

Now sit back and wait. The successful programs will be announced in early 2020.

Pitch your idea

But don’t get too comfy. In the week commencing Monday 18 November, you may be asked to present your idea to the SSAF Steering Committee if they need further information before final decisions are made on funding.  This would only be a 3-minute talk and then time for any questions the Committee would like to ask regarding your initiative.

Good luck!

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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