If you’ve ever wanted to be involved in the governance of the University, meet some of the executive staff or engage with the University’s student and staff communities through graduation, scholarship and other ceremonies, being elected as the student member of University Council could be the way to do it.
Nominations are now open for election to become the student members on the Council, and current student member Rowan Alden says her two years in the role have been “one of the best experiences I have ever had”.
As a member of the Council, you’ll have the exciting opportunity to be involved in future planning and help set the University’s strategic direction. Council meetings are usually a full day in length, and the student member will also have opportunities to join the membership of one of the committees of council.
To prepare for these meetings, you’ll need to read agendas that can be hundreds of pages long, and keep up-to-date with what else is happening in the higher education sector. There are also a range of other benefits, including experience as the Board member of a large and complex organisation, and representing the Council at various community or industry events and conferences.
“You get the chance to learn about university governance, the structure of the university, and how boards and committees work,” Rowan said.
“I’ve gained so many skills and have had lots of training, including three short courses with the Australian Institute of Company Directors.”
Some of the perks include the amazing learning experiences, building networks, being involved with ceremonial activities and travel. You’ll also have opportunities to work alongside and learn from people who are high up CSU’s organisational chain.
“During my time on Council I have travelled to Bathurst, Canberra, Dubbo and Port Macquarie campuses. All Council meeting travel expenses are paid for you, so you don’t have to worry about the expense,” Rowan said.
“Being involved with academic ceremonies is always good fun. As a member of the University’s governing board, I have attended the Chancellor’s Installation Ceremony, graduations, the Education Week procession in Wagga Wagga, and this year I delivered an address at the Commencement Ceremony in Wagga Wagga.”
Nominations are currently open for staff and student members of the University Council for a two-year term, running from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2018.
You can find out more and access nomination forms through the University Council Election website, and direct any questions about the elections to the University Secretary, Ms Linda Breen, by phone on 6338 4207 or by email.
And if you’ve never done anything like this before – don’t worry!
“The Council has a thorough induction process so that any student, regardless of your experience, can be the student member of Council,” Rowan said.
Nominations close at 4pm on Wednesday 27 April 2016.