Worried about getting into university? Or that your HSC or end of year exams might not go the way you want? Enter: The Charles Sturt Advantage program.
Move out self-doubt, self confidence is about to take over after reading Shristi's tips to beat your fear of failure this uni session.
Working alongside friends and peers can be beneficial. But how can you limit distractions and ensure all of your team are putting in 100% effort? Olivia gives you all the answers to setting boundaries and helping you provide the best quality work to...
BING: *New Charlie blog alert*
Are you struggling to maintain your studies while your phone keeps buzzing? Shristi has all the hacks for you to limit your screen time and help you do your absolute best for your next assessment or exam!
Have you ever wondered about the history of our very own Orange campus? Orange student, Kate Armstrong, shares the best spots to study, the wildlife hubs and an awesome walk you can complete in your downtime!
Have you considered volunteering but have no idea where to start? Bachelor of Occupational Therapy student Lexie Clark has over 7 years of experience and gives us a run-down of what she's experienced as a volunteer!
Are you experiencing unexpected challenges that are impacting your studies? Why not take a look at how Olivia Baker reached out for Special Consideration support.
Thinking about going to Canada next session break? Charlotte Penhall shares an insight into tipping, student discounts and top tourist attractions in Vancouver.
Orange SRC member, Bronte, chats about the events she has helped produce and the role that being an SRC member played in easing her transition into uni life. She has been able to connect with a network of amazing people in the SRC both past and...
Have you received negative feedback or questions about your study path? Don't worry, you're not the only one! Listen to Dianne's story, you might be able to resonate with this one.