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Tag: uni

Why You Should Join the Orientation Week Team

Orientation week is such an incredible experience as a first year student so why not be part of the crew that makes it happen? Courtney tells you about her experience working as part of the Orientation team and why you should give it a go!

Public Speaking: Embrace the Fear

Public speaking... most of us find it uncomfortable at best or absolutely terrifying at worst but unfortunately we all need to do it at some point. Lewis gives you his top tips which don't involve imagining the audience naked (yuck)!

Behind the scenes of organising an SRC-led event

Current Vice-President of the Wagga SRC, Caitlin, discusses all the considerations that must be made when organising a student event, and shares that you do not need to have prior experience in event planning to be part of the SRC.

How I Found My Part-Time Job at Uni

Wanting to find a part-time job that suits your uni lifestyle and future career? Shristi N shares how she managed to find the perfect job that fits in with her busy uni schedule and helps her understand her career values.

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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