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Tag: life

Top 10 Desk Items for First Year

Getting ready for uni and not sure what you need? Shristi gives you her top 10 desk items to elevate your study space. After all you will be spending a lot of time there!

Choosing Teaching

Teaching is way more than just a job. Harrison tells you about why he chose to study teaching and reminds fellow teaching students why they chose to do this degree in the first place: to raise the next generation of artists, doctors, inventors and...

Public Speaking: Embrace the Fear

Public speaking... most of us find it uncomfortable at best or absolutely terrifying at worst but unfortunately we all need to do it at some point. Lewis gives you his top tips which don't involve imagining the audience naked (yuck)!

What to Pack for Uni

Are you starting uni and have no idea what to bring with you? No stress! Chloe tells you what you should pack for class and for moving onto campus to make sure have exactly what you need.

My Life-changing Experience Teaching in Nepal

Ever wanted to combine the rewarding experiences of travel and helping others? Sophie tells you about her trip; teaching in Nepal with CSU Global and how her students taught her just as much as she taught them!

Your Personal Brand

You might think of social media as a place to share memes with your friends or your deepest thoughts but could that be harming your chances at a career? Shantel shares how to maintain a professional appearance to ensure you have the best shot at...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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