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10 ways for history not to be a mystery during #NRW2018

10 ways for history not to be a mystery during #NRW2018

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Welcome to National Reconciliation week, a time to build on respectful relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians.

In 2018 the theme is ‘don’t keep history a mystery’. This theme encourages all of us to take on the responsibility of learning more about our shared history – this means from now until the end of the week we can all find out something we didn’t know!

Here are 10 sources you can use to learn something new:

1. Learn about the Referendum – May 27 1967

2. Get to know a bit more about Indigenous football origins

3. Whats the Reconciliation Barometer? Find out!

4. How has Cathy Freeman used her influence to make an impact?

5. How much do you know about the Frontier Wars?

6. What are land rights?

7. Do you think about our first nations people when you think about Astronomy?

8. Read some personal testimonials from members of the stolen generation

9. Who is that fella on the $50 note?

10. The national anthem debate

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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