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How to keep your dreams alive

How to keep your dreams alive

Student standing in front of DIY dream board
Student standing in front of DIY dream board

by Loren Howarth

We all have goals we’re working towards or why else would we be here? But it’s easy to get distracted when you’re drowning in assignments and study. A great way to visualise and set goals is by creating a dream or vision board. It’s sure to push you across the finish line when you have 3 essays due on the same day. Plus an exam coming up! Not only can you visualise your goals for the future, you can get in touch with your creative side as well. Here’s a basic guide so you can create your own dream or vision board.

Decide on the purpose

First things first. You need to decide on a theme for your board. Maybe you want to focus on performing well in uni. Or you might want to set travel goals.

Dream boards aren’t limited to one idea either. You can use the board to display your life goals including family, possessions, your career, or anything you can think of. Dream boards are a great tool for motivation as you can visualise yourself living your ideal life.

Collect the right materials

Secondly, you’ll need the right materials. Use a poster board or a corkboard. You’ll also need scissors, tape, glue, stickers, magazines, posters or any other materials you want to include.

The materials should represent what you’re striving for. If you want to visit Paris then an image of the Eiffel tower could symbolise this desire. Similarly, an image of a professional soccer team might display your goal of making the team.

Use inspiring quotes

Nothing is essential in a dream board. You have free reign. However, quotes can make a nice addition. Use your favourite quotes to make it more personalised. If you’re stuck, google inspiring quotes or travel quotes. Try matching your quotes to the theme of your dream board to keep it consistent. You can either write them yourself or print them out.

Putting it together

The best way to pull it all together is to tear or cut out your materials. Make sure you lay out your materials on the board first, so you can see what looks best before you stick everything down.

To jazz it up, use old wallpaper or colourful patches as the background for the images and quotes. Don’t forget to leave some blank space so you can add any items later on as you tick off goals and create new ones.

Displaying your dream board

Once you’re happy, hang it up in a visible spot. Place it somewhere so your eye catches it every day, and so your goals are kept in the front of your mind.

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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