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Top 5 apps to manage your life admin

Top 5 apps to manage your life admin

It’s fast approaching that time of year where we have to switch the beach for a classroom – Session 1 is nearly upon us! So, here are the top five apps that you need to get yourself organised and stay on top of things as the session progresses:

1. EverNote

EverNote is a great study tool that every student should have. It keeps both yourself and your work organised – which is important at 2am when you’re trying to find the pesky note that you took in class for your assessment!

EverNote enables you to write and collect notes in a variety of formats including text, audio, sketches and can digitise handwritten notes and paper documents.

The app also syncs automatically across all of your devices, so if you start a task on one device and have a lightning bolt thought, you can pick up another device and add it into your notes.

2. FlipD

FlipD is an excellent app, designed to minimise the distraction that is social media – which is a game-changer, if like me, you get easily distracted by your phone!

This app challenges you to stay on task and unplug from your phone by scheduling reminders to get off your phone and locking those distracting apps for however long you need.

FlipD can also help with mindfulness and self-care, providing calming white noise sounds for those times that you need to tune the world out and focus on yourself and what you’re doing.

3. Todoist

Todoist is an app that keeps you on top of things that need doing – whether that be remembering to call home or finishing an assessment due in soon!

This app allows you to highlight and colour code the most important items on your to do list and set reminders for recurring, high priority deadlines. Todoist also syncs across all of your devices in real time, allowing you to complete a task when and where you want.

With these features you can keep calm and prioritise the hundreds of tasks in your head.

4. PocketBook

PocketBook makes budgeting for pretty much anything simple and easy!

This app syncs with your bank account and automatically categorises your spending and bills. PocketBook sends notifications when bills are late or when you have been charged a fee by your bank.

You can also create and track your budget your own way by creating them in the categories you need and setting a spending limit each week.

5. Out of Milk

Out of Milk is designed to ensure that you don’t forget the milk or bread next time you go shopping!

You can streamline your shopping experience and save time by grouping items on your shopping list into the categories that you want.

Out of Milk also includes a pantry list, giving you an inventory of everything you already have at home, so you don’t have to worry about doubling up.

It can also share shopping lists with your friends via text, email or the app – which is great for making sure that you have the guacamole when you’re trying to organise Taco Tuesday with your friends!

Download these apps and get organised now!

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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