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How I became more mindful

How I became more mindful

by Sam Robinson, Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Academic Success participant

During the four weeks I have been part of Charles Sturt’s Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Academics Success course I’ve gained new skills and tools to get me through this session and my life beyond uni.

Life this session has been super busy; I am taking my final subject worth 24 points, started a new job, moved to a new house, and I’m planning a wedding. I have more on my plate this session than ever before, and I am thriving!

The Mindfulness program helped me in three main ways:

  1. Focus. I’ve learnt to focus on single tasks, completing them at a steady rate and to a high quality.
  2. Managing emotions. I’m recognising my feelings and anxieties and am acknowledging them rather than sweeping them under the rug. So, I am now able to move on from my hang ups and get on with the task at hand.
  3. Meditation. What I found most surprising was meditation; while I didn’t think of myself as the meditating type, I’ve actually found clearing my head of clutter and focusing on the ‘now’ really beneficial.

It feels difficult to measure the success I’ve had with mindfulness training, but I’ve noticed some real improvements in my life lately that being more mindful has contributed to:

  • I have an assessment ready for submission a week before it is due and have the option of using my spare time for polish
  • My move went off without a hitch, and I’ll be getting my bond back from the old house
  • I am meeting deadlines with the new job
  • I’ve been able to handle the curveballs that planning a wedding delivers

I feel I now have the tools to deal with the chaos in my life better than I have been able to in past sessions. I’m thankful for the opportunity to participate in this program. While it has not been a silver bullet to cure all of my stress, I have grown over the last four weeks.

Thank you all for joining and supporting me on my journey!

Join the program

The Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Academic Success program is running again this November. Register for the program by Thursday 31 October 2019.

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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