You might have seen a few weeks ago that we brought you news of some incoming falcon babies that were on their way. Well, we have some awesome news to share.
The peregrine falcons in the water tower on the Orange Charles Sturt campus have produced a fine, healthy chick this year. And the cool thing is he or she needs a name.
That’s where you come in because each year a competition is held to find a new name. This year you can choose a name from a selection of 15 Wiradjuri weather-related (gender neutral) names. Make sure you look through the selection of names and pick your favourite because you can only vote once.
How to enter
To enter, you need to find the FalconCam project live stream of the new family on YouTube, and scroll down in the description to find the link to the Google Form.
Alternately, you can enter Box Cam, FalconCam into a search engine. But be quick, voting will close at 5pm on Friday 22 October 2021.
Also feel free to make a donation while you are there if you can! Everyone involved with the project is a volunteer, but we do have expenses, including the current cost of installing an outside cam! It’s an awesome initiative to follow and support.
In the live stream, you will see two other eggs in the nest and unfortunately it seems that these now will not hatch. It is quite normal for not all of the eggs to hatch every year. Since 2008, the average number of eggs laid is 2.8, the number hatched is 1.8 and the number of fledged (ie that take their first flight) is 1.6. A total of 21 juveniles have successfully fledged over these years.
Despite that, we have one new addition to the Charles Sturt family and it is great to see.

About FalconCam
In case you’ve missed the couple of FalconCam blogs on Charlie, the FalconCam project has been running now since an initial box was installed in 2007 as a home for these wonderful animals. Formal research into diet and breeding behaviour has also been undertaken since 2012.
If you would like anymore information, please contact Adjunct Lecturer Dr Cilla Kinross via email – or via phone – 6365 8221.