As Session 2 is starting to get into full swing, the pressure of your studies might be starting to get on your mind. We all want to achieve the best we can in getting high marks. The Executive Dean’s Awards are a goal for many students and is something all students can strive towards.
To be eligible for Executive Dean’s Awards, students need to complete at least 32 points (four subjects) across the year and achieve a GPA of at least 6.0 for those subjects, which is a distinction average.
Here are some tips to help you in striving towards your best this Session.
Find your personalised way of learning
It is important to remember that everyone studies and learns differently. Therefore, you should find what works best for you. Some people like to write notes, other people listen to lectures, and some print out the lectures and highlight important notes. Be as creative as you need to be when you are finding your study strategies. Trial and error can help you narrow down what learning tools will assist you the most.
Create a schedule
By creating a study plan, make sure that you are devoting enough time to your studies while also not spending too long that it becomes unproductive. Look at when you have lectures/tutorials and make sure to also make time for general study, as well as monitoring when your assessments or exams are.
Communication is the key
Although most of us are now studying via distance it does not mean you can not be in contact with your lecturers and other university staff members. Make sure to keep in contact with your lecturers through emails if you need any assistance with your subject content. Another great place to contact is AskCSU. They are your go-to place for all questions in regards to uni.
Use the University’s services!!!
Charles Sturt Uni have many academic services available to you in order to get the support you need with your studies. All services are free and readily available to you HERE!
Create a study place
As many of us have had to move away from Campus, our study spaces might look a lot different. Although it may be a little difficult, try and find or create a space that you designate to your studies. Try and find somewhere with little distraction, this may be at your house, at a park, the beach, anywhere you can be productive.
Make time for other things
Make sure to schedule some time for activities other than study, such as exercise and hanging out with friends, as well as time to just chill on the couch and watch some Netflix. Being able to wind down is extremely important in being able to make sure your overall wellbeing is the best it can be.
For more information about The Executive Dean’s Awards click HERE.