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Here’s your chance to get involved with Rivcoll

Here’s your chance to get involved with Rivcoll

Rivcoll SRC logo

By Dom Costello

Firstly, what is Rivcoll?

Rivcoll Student Representative Committee (SRC) is the group of students behind every Wednesday Night and Friday Unwind, and behind every one of the 33 student organisations, clubs and societies on the Wagga Wagga Campus. They are the 14 students who have got your back when an issue arises or when you want to change the University for the better. Rivcoll acquires its directors from the annual election held each August and through the appointment of Casual Director positions whenever there is a vacancy. These students form your student council; they are RIVCOLL.

Rivcoll’s number one objective is to be the student voice of CSU in Wagga Wagga by advocating matters that directly affect our campus. They cover a wide range of areas from facilities, academia, accommodation, etc. We keenly listen to all that our students say so let us know what you want to be changed and how we should do it.

Rivcoll SRC is the governing body of all clubs on Wagga Wagga campus and is responsible for affiliating clubs with the University as well as funding for events, conferences, insurances and development, etc.

We can assist you in speaking to the correct staff member about any issue that has arisen; if you need assistance in the academic setting or feel you are not being treated fairly, Rivcoll can look into it and ensure that you receive the appropriate support.

Rivcoll is the pinnacle of student leadership at CSU in Wagga Wagga, and our role is to impact on students’ experiences effectively and to ensure we have a strong and growing sense of culture and community.

We’re hiring!!

If you’ve read this far and thought to yourself “that sounds like something I’d like to get around” then have I got a surprise for you! Rivcoll currently has four vacant positions, which we want you to help fill.

Why should you get involved?

In the Rivcoll team you will have endless opportunities to expand your leadership repertoire through various endeavours such as CSU Student Senate, event management, leadership conferences and forums, and due to all the professional networks, you will often be the first to hear about numerous paid leadership opportunities in the University. What’s more, Rivcoll Directors are compensated for the service they provide the students. You won’t get rich, but it’s a lovely tax-free bonus every month if you put in the effort.

Rivcoll’s organisational structure encompasses the executive committee made up of the:

  • President,
  • Vice President,
  • Secretary and,
  • Treasurer.

Additional to the executive we also have passionate students in various fields who are responsible for coordinating and promoting specific programs and often work closely with Student Liaison Officers of the University.  These are our office bearers who hold the positions of:

  • Events Officer
  • Equity Officer
  • Environmental Officer
  • Health Officer
  • Publications Officer, AKA Hungappa Editor-in-Chief

The rest of the Directors make up the general board. These students form sub-committees and help out wherever the executive or office bearers require and act in multiple roles when office bearers cannot fulfil their duties.

If you would like to get involved, make a suggestion, or require assistance, drop into our office located in the Building 20 courtyard, right next to The Crow Bar, open weekdays from 11am – 2pm or email us at Also be sure to like our Facebook page to keep up to date with all that we do.

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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