Finishing a degree has its ups and downs, especially when you think about the work you must do versus your future needs and success.
There may be days when the time you still need to put in to finish studying makes the eventual benefits of having a degree seem so far away. But you know what? Remember, you WILL benefit from all of it. Don’t forget the bigger picture.
You may also feel the stress of keeping organised with your study while still maintaining a life outside of uni work! Well, don’t worry – you are not alone!
In fact, many successful people of today were even worse off than where you are right now and still managed to be who they wanted to be!
Here are some of the books that may help you not only ‘go through’ uni, but happily finish it:
1. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
2. Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins
3. Manifestation Miracle by Heather Matthews
4. Inner Excellence by Jim Murphy
5. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
6. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
7. The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill
8. Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins
You might think you’re not the kind of person who reads books, or maybe you’re too busy because of all your uni work, your job, your social life and other hobbies. But these books are not exactly like textbooks. These books will give you skills that will help you in ways that you think you already know, but you do not!
You don’t have to spend hours of reading to understand them. These are the kind of books where you get to put what you learn into practice straight away, and you may decide only to move on once you have a complete understanding of what you must do or when you have already mastered the skills that you learned.
They’re also the kind of books you can read over and over again throughout the years. They would still be helpful in many different situations. Plus, if you really don’t have time to read, these are available as audio books too!