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CSU is strengthening our community of respect

CSU is strengthening our community of respect

Female student standing in foreground with a group of students behind.

More than 800 Charles Sturt University (CSU) students have completed a national survey about sexual assault and sexual harassment, and the Australian Human Rights Commission released the results this week.

At CSU, 18 per cent of our survey respondents said they had been sexually harassed at university, and 3.3 per cent reported being sexually assaulted at university in 2015/16.

Sexual assault is a crime and sexual harassment is never OK.

CSU is using the feedback from the survey, alongside recommendations from the Change the course report of national results, to improve reporting processes and support for students who experience sexual assault or sexual harassment.

CSU has committed to adopting all nine of the Human Rights Commission’s recommendations.

What is CSU doing?

Training opportunities

Stay tuned for a Consent Matters training package, which will be available to all students later this session. We’ll send you more information about the training and how to access it when it’s available.

We’re encouraging all staff to complete an online training module called Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence. Already, more than 100 staff have completed the training, and key staff in areas such as Student Central, some Student Liaison Officers and student counsellors have had extra face-to-face training in how to support you if you disclose a sexual offence. This means if you need to make a report, any staff member you feel comfortable talking to can help in the first instance.

Behind the scenes

CSU is also refining processes for recording incidents of sexual assault or sexual harassment. Staff will lodge your report in a centralised system, and you can remain anonymous if you wish.

Protocols have been reviewed and all staff have been sent a step-by-step guide to help them take your report and offer you a range of support options when you first approach them. A Sexual Assault Resource Group has also been created to provide staff with extra assistance with this process, if needed.

The support you need

Your Residential Advisers are a great resource if you live on campus. Each year, they gain specialised skills in responding to sexual assault and sexual harassment as part of their training.

If you have experienced sexual assault or sexual harassment and would like to report an incident or get support, you have a range of options:

  • Call 1800 961 991 for urgent counselling or to make a report. This number goes direct to a CSU student counsellor from 9am to 5pm, and diverts to the National Support Line (1800 572 224) after hours to offer 24-hour support
  • Make an appointment with a CSU student counsellor
  • Email the Ombudsman
  • Contact crisis services in your community

In an emergency situation, you should always contact 000 and campus security. CSU Safe provides direct access to security contacts from your smart phone.

To find out more about CSU’s survey results and our commitment to making CSU a safe, respectful community, visit our dedicated Respect. Now. Always. website.

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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