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Be part of the first OS SRC

Be part of the first OS SRC

image of online student with a laptop in a cafe

If you want the chance to be on the first Online Study Student Representative Committee (OS SRC), now is the time to nominate yourself!

The OS SRC could be the next great step in your university career. It will give you the opportunity to make friends and connect with students from all over the University, and Australia!

You’ll get the chance to represent your fellow students, be an important part of the student voice, and liaise with other SRCs.

Discover the wider university experience and make a difference to life as an online student at CSU!

To be eligible, you just need to be currently enrolled as a distance education or online student.

Why wait? Achieve more during your CSU degree by nominating for the OS SRC!

Find out more on the SRC webpage.

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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